Free Essays on Bismarck

  1. Bismarck vs Cavour

    supporters were, Bismarck in Germany and Cavour in Italy. These kinds of people will influence the future of the "nation". Otto Von Bismarck played a major role during the German unification. Otto Von Bismarck was the German "Chancellor"(Prime minister) under the rule of William I. Bismarck was very...

  2. Bismarck

    Modern History Essay QUESTION: To what extent can Bismarck be credited with Prussia’s victory over the French empire in 1871? In order to assess the impact of Otto Von Bismarck in Prussia’s victory in the Franco-Prussian War, it is essential to understand what was happening in Prussia and France...

  3. Otto Von Bismarck

    Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck, Count of Bismarck-Schönhausen, Duke of Lauenburg, Prince of Bismarck, (1 April 1815 – 30 July 1898), was a Prussian and German statesman and aristocrat of the 19th century. As Minister-President of Prussia from 1862–90, he oversaw the unification of Germany. In 1867...

  4. 5141

    Herr Otto Von Bismarcks iron-man image and the unique personality was the crucial factor in the unification of Germany. His skill as a diplomat was unrivalled during his reign as chancellor of Prussia and Germany. The mastery he showed in foreign policy was such that he was able to outwit all other powers...

  5. Bismarck's Role in Unifying Germany

    To what extent was Bismarck responsible for German Unification in 1871? Word Count: 1,431 Virtually since Germany was unified in 1871, historians have been at debate as to what factors brought about this significant change within Europe which lead to the formation of one of the strongest economic...

  6. German unification

    iron deposits. • Make point clear that economic strength was needed to fund technology, transport, military etc. N.B. Economy, military and Bismarck are essentially inter-linked. All played a part in each factor leading to unification. ANALYSIS: ENCOURAGED: • German – especially Prussian –...

  7. psy101

     ‘If Bismarck had a constant objective it was to preserve and consolidate the empire he had created.’ How did he do this, and with what consequences? The unification of Germany is today regarded as a defining moment in European history. It seemed to have a profound effect on the European balance...

  8. History Essay

    “It was the force of colonialism that influenced Kaisar Wilhelm II to challenge the French in Morocco” Paragraph 2: Kaisar Wilhelm quickly lost Bismarcks alliance system in his pursuit of Weltpolitik Paragraph 3: The friendly relations that developed between France and Russia prompted Britain to...

  9. Bertrand Russell, Acquaintance and Knowledge

    example of Bismarck, or the ‘first chancellor of the German Empire’. By employing descriptions it enables us to think about and understand objects of which we have no acquaintance. Therefore we can have indirect knowledge of things, such as the theory of knowledge by description. The Bismarck example...

  10. How important was Bismarck's leadership in the achievement of German unification?

    Prussia's resources and demonstrating the diplomatic skill to exploit the new balance of forces in Europe. Both of these were provided by Otto Von Bismarck, appointed Prussia's minister-president on the 22nd of September 1862. He tactfully asserted Prussia's dominance and drove unification through his...

  11. Franco- Prussian War

    united Germany has required many different wars to be accomplished. The unification of Germany was associated with one man in particular: Otto Von Bismarck. He was a Russian Prime Minister and later the German Chancellor. He was a real politick which means he based his decisions on the realities of power...

  12. German Unification Through the Austro-Prussian and Danish-Prussian Wars

    Otto von Bismarck was determined to create the German Empire. His main strategy for accretion of the states in his path was war- to seize the enemy on their own land without major concern for consequences. He preyed upon problems between Prussia and its surrounding countries, taking advantage of weaknesses...

  13. No Paper Available

    EXCEPT growth of cities. increased use of money. growing equality in the standard of living. increased pace of work. 5. Otto von Bismarck was a self-made liberal businessman who united Germany the moderately liberal king of Prussia who united Germany Prussian military commander...

  14. Napoleon III foreign policy

    Napoleon demanded the city of Luxembourg from Bismarck after the Prussian defeat of Austria. Bismarck became enraged, as did the rest of the Germans. Napoleon attacked Germany, to keep France's glory as the supposed greatest country in the world. Bismarck and the German states then proceeded to overtake...

  15. The Balkans: Source of International Tension

    believed they could benefit from Turkey’s downfall. By forming an alliance with both opposing countries, Bismarck hoped to ease the tensions felt over the Balkans. No such thing happened and Bismarck was forced to realise that if a real conflict ever occurred, he would be forced to take a side if he was...

  16. Causes of New Imperialism. Political or Economics?

    Facts conclude that why Germany entered the area of colonisation was because Bismarck was seeking to protect Germany's position in Europe and his increasingly complex alliance system. Also, domestic pressures explain Bismarcks entry into the colonial field. They point out in Germany Reichstag elections...

  17. relationship between shylock and jessica

    NEW Tribute To American Soldiers World War One Color Photos World War One Slide Show The Nations Involved in WWI Between the Wars Bismarck Declaration of War (American) Flanders Field Gavrilo Princip Kaiser Wilhelm II Marne Otto Dix Passchendaele Pershing ...

  18. Adam Hoschild

    questioned by the European and Americans he told them that he was opening Africa for free trade. He manipulated the United States, France, and Bismarck into recognizing him as ruler of the Congo. The United States recognized King Leopold’s claim to the Congo because they saw him as wanting to commit...

  19. Importance of the Great War and Technological Innovation

    history. The setting for the war first began when the German Kaiser, Wilhelm II, refused to acknowledge an alliance with Russia set up by Otto von Bismarck called the League of Three Emperors (originally consisting of the Prussian Kaiser, the Austro-Hungarian Emperor, and the Russian Tsar). He did this...

  20. Essays of Trenches in Ww1

    |Unofficial Christmas truce declared by soldiers along the Western Front | Medium-term Causes The alliance system made by Otto von Bismarck in the late nineteenth century was based upon a "policy of peace", and was designed to keep the newly unified German Empire in favour with the whole...

  21. the graet war

    Alliances As well as seeking protection in the size of their armies, the countries of Europe sought protection by forming alliances. At first, Bismarck had kept Germany friendly with Russia. Kaiser Wilhelm overturned this, and concentrated instead on the Dual Alliance of 1879 between Germany and...

  22. Campaign Summaries of World War 2

    Britain and Dominions - Responsible for defending India, Ceylon, Burma, Malaya, northern Borneo, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, the Papua New Guinea/Bismarck Archipelago/Solomon Islands chain, and numerous island groups throughout the Indian Ocean and Central and South Pacific. Few forces could be spared...

  23. Nationalism of Germany

    other and said to each other, “if we speak the same language and practice the same cultural things, why aren't we our own nation state?” For Otto Von Bismarck, this was the opportunity to take all the German states and combine all of them with Prussia to make one big German nation state. In Italy during...

  24. Sardar Patel

    backed with the option and use of military force, Patel's leadership persuaded almost every princely state. Often known as the "Iron Man of India" or "Bismarck of India", he is also remembered as the "Patron Saint" of India's civil servants for establishing modern all-India services....

  25. Tsunamis 2

    Australian, Caribbean, Cocos, Eurasian, Indian ocean, Juan da Fuca, Nazca, North American, Pacific Islands, Philippine, Scotia, Somalia, South American, Bismarck, Burma, Caroline, Easter, Explorer, Fiji, Galapagos, Gorda, Juan Fernandez, Mariana, Rivera, Solomon, south the Sandwich and Tonga.people say that...

  26. Blabla

    if attacked by Russia. Bismarck also brought Austria and Germany into alliance with Russia. The agreement was known as the "Three Emperor's League" and it was formed in 1881. They all agreed to remain neutral if any of them went to war with another country. In 1890 when Bismarck left office it gave a...

  27. The Effects Alsace and Lorraine Had on Franco-Prussian Relations

    promote the action to bring the people of Alsace and Lorraine to the “legal” heritage. Before the Treaty of Frankfurt had even been signed Otto von Bismarck could see the possibility of danger in integrated the cultures of France and Germany within Alsace of Lorraine. He stated that although some areas...

  28. ryan111

    important causes, so the First World War primarily could have been a result of the Alliance System. Firstly, the alliance system was first formed by Bismarck, the Chancellor of Germany. He formed it since he would like to use it to prevent the revenge of France after her defeat in the Franco-Prussian War...

  29. Hitler Oratory

    the character of the epoch. Caesar spoke differently to his legions than Frederick the Great did to his army, Napoleon differently to his guard than Bismarck did to the members of the Prussian Parliament. Each used language that his hearers understood and used words and thoughts that reached their emotions...

  30. Wwi Causes

    Otto von Bismarck disliked the idea of an overseas empire, but pursued a colonial policy to court domestic political support. This started Anglo-German tensions since German acquisitions in Africa and the Pacific threatened to impinge upon British strategic and commercial interests. Bismarck supported...

  31. Whapter 28

    Chapter 28 Notes Pg 701-712 * Otto van Bismarck- most responsible for the unification of Germany. * “Great Powers” – a term used for Germany, France, Britain, Russia, and the United States. * Chapter 28 is set in what is called the “Era of Imperialism” which lasted from 1870 to 1914. ...

  32. World War 2 Weapons and Fighting Research

    | |Admiral Graf Spee | | | |USS Enterprise (CV 6) | |KMS Bismarck | | | |USS Iowa (BB 61) | |Type VII U-Boat ...

  33. A Message to Garcia

    fishy eye and ask one or more of the following questions:Who was he?Which encyclopedia?Where is the encyclopedia?Was I hired for that?Don’t you mean Bismarck?What’s the matter with Charlie doing it?Is he dead?Is there any hurry?Shan’t I bring you the book and let you look it up yourself?What do you want...

  34. Africa

    and thereby create new nations to peacefully divide Africa among them for colonization. The conference was convened by Portugal but led by Otto von Bismarck, chancellor of the newly united Germany. The resulting agreement, the General Act of the 1885 Conference of Berlin, banned the slave trade in name...

  35. Access to Health Care

    all the workers in a medical scheme for a range of services. They can go to specific health centers and receive health attention. Unfortunately the Bismarck Model of healthcare that King refers to does not provide health care to most ailments (Gulliford & Morgan, 2013). The employer makes monthly contribution...

  36. idaf

    1914. 2008 B Group A Feminists Irish nationalists Socialists 4. Analyze the similarities and differences in the methods used by Cavour and Bismarck to bring about the unification of Italy and of Germany, respectively. 2008 B Group B 5. Analyze the reasons for the decline of the Holy Roman Empire...

  37. 1948 Revolutions

    impetus. Germany was unified under the iron hand of Bismarck in 1871 after her 1870 war with France; Italy was unified in 1861 as the United States was split into two nations and exploding into internecine civil war. Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen, Duke of Lauenburg (April 1, 1815 July...

  38. World Disasters Leading Up to the Holocaust and the Aftermath

    works at Essen, tries making spoons to sell in Austria, spoons too small II. The Arms of Krupp - KruppStahl Finances Bismarck, Kaiser Wilhelm I, and Adolph Hitler A. Bismarck and 1848 - The Turning Point that Did Not Turn - Karl Marx & Communist Manifesto B. Kaiser Wilhelm and World War...

  39. Realism

    much less successful in persuading investors to pursue projects that they didn’t anyway regard as sufficiently profitable. In 1887 France old enemy Bismarck issued a ban on Russian securities, thereby encouraging the Russians to turn o France for money. The French General Staff were particularly enthusiastic...

  40. Piiii

    alliance systems were established. The Triple Alliance was made up of the Central Powers, Germany and Austria-Hungary that was existing since 1879 when Bismarck were allies with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. When they agreed, both countries swore that they would go to the aid of the other if they were attacked...

  41. The Spark That Ignited the Powder Keg of Europe

    Balkan Wars of 1912 to 1913. The political turmoil in the Balkans had become known as “The Powder Keg of Europe”, and the German Chancellor, Otto Von Bismarck, predicted in the late nineteenth century that this region would be the cause of great conflict in Europe. Von Bismarck’s prediction was accurate...

  42. War, Depression and War, 1914-1945

    Roman Empire. The largest of these kingdoms, Prussia, increasingly dominated the other German states; the Prussian king’s chief minister, Otto von Bismarck, put together a plan to weld the German-speaking kingdoms together into a modern nation-state under the rule of Prussia. He accomplished this at...

  43. Iks by Someone

    overwhelming heavy artillery, rapidly recaptured Mort-Homme Hill as well as Côte 304. It is during that offensive that deep and long underground tunnels (the Bismarck, the Kronprinz and the Gallwitz tunnels) that connected the German front lines to the rear were taken over by French infantry on August 20th. Otherwise...

  44. aries

    Gordon Jump (1932) Debbie Reynolds (1932) Anne McCaffrey (1926) Toshiro Mifune (1920) Abraham Maslow (1908) Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873) Otto von Bismarck (1815) William Harvey (1578) Top songs of 1992 End of the Road by Boyz II Men Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-Lot Jump by Kris Kross Save the...

  45. Using these four passages and your own knowledge, assess the view that the most important element in maintaining Hitler’s regime in power between 1933 and 1945 was the consent of the German people.

    federal constitutional monarchy in which parliamentary democracy was a component; however, the Kaiser had significant executive power and Otto von Bismarck was nicknamed the ‘Iron Chancellor’ because of realpolitik and powerful domestic rule. Furthermore, whilst the Weimar Republic was an ineffective...

  46. Communitcation

    and conditioning work. The Springbok squad that will travel to Brisbane is: Forwards: Schalk Brits, Schalk Burger, Marcell Coetzee, Lood de Jager, Bismarck du Plessis, Jannie du Plessis, Eben Etzebeth, Vincent Koch, Francois Louw, Frans Malherbe, Victor Matfield, Teboho “Oupa” Mohoje, Tendai Mtawarira...

  47. European Social Work

    alleviation of poverty through legislation, introducing the 1906 Social Insurance Act, adopted from the earlier social insurance model from Germany’s Bismarck government, through the distribution of flat rate benefits to the unemployed, with pension provision and free school meals arranged by new local authorities...

  48. History

    The inner circle of the Tweed Ring were Mayor A. Oakey Hall, city comptroller Richard B. "Slippery Dick" Connolly, city chamberlain Peter Barr "Bismarck" Sweeny, and William M. Tweed himself, president of the Board of Supervisors. The Tweed Ring and Tammany Hall were not necessarily two sides of the...

  49. Germany

    I of Prussia and the increasingly liberal parliament erupted over military reforms in 1862, and the king appointed Otto von Bismarck the new Minister President of Prussia. Bismarck successfully waged war on Denmark in 1864. Prussian victory in the Austro-Prussian Warof 1866 enabled him to create the North...

  50. Emerging Liberalism and Socialism in Europe

    the great European Powers also created international tensions. While Germany tried to maintain a balance of power under the old chancellor Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898), a representative of the old conservative elite, the new Emperor Wilhelm II (1859-1941) pursued an aggressive foreign policy. This policy...

  51. cinema

    original edition painted by No-Two-Horn is unknown. A photographically reproduced edition of Aaron McGaffey Beede's Sitting Bull-Custer (Bismarck, N.D.: Bismarck Tribune Company, 1913), is in the Edward E. Ayer Collection, Newberry Library. Beede gives an account of the origin of the drawing in "The...

  52. Churchill

    due to the preponderance of large ships. Submarine fleet and Germany was cheaper and more efficient. Death pride of the German navy, the battleship "Bismarck" did not bring significant relief to His Majesty's ships. On land war for England unfolding in Africa. In the eastern part of the continent the British...

  53. Algebra

    Art) 72 Japanese Carrier Unryu+ 700 Japanese Carrier Katsuragi + 700 Russian Carrier Minsk + 700 Japanese Battleship Mutsu + 700 German Battleship Bismarck 700 German Battleship Tirpitz + 700 Japanese Heavy Cruiser Takao 700 Japanese Light Cruiser Hatori 700 Japanese Light Cruiser Kashima 700 Japanese...

  54. Ethics in Photojournalism: Past, Present, and Future by Daniel R. Bersak

    in leading media by circa 1900. U.S. President Theodore roosevelt sported various hats and grinned with countless dignitaries; German Chancellor Bismarck was snapped on his deathbed by a pair of early paparazzi - the intrusive chronicler of celebrities’ intimate moments.22 While less contrived images...

  55. Why American History Is Not What They Say : an Introduction to Revisionism

    long before Lincoln’s own cabinet […] The South feared an American Cromwell, and in Vidal’s vision, the South actually helped produce an American Bismarck. 104 Vidal’s Lincoln, says Donald E. Pease, is “interested mostly in self-aggrandizement,” though his interest in sex was sufficient in his younger...

  56. Army Board Study Guide

    Eastern Mandates • Po Valley • Antisubmarine • Egypt–Libya • Rhineland • Anzio • Guadalcanal • Rome-Arno • Ardennes-Alsace • India-Burma • Ryukyus • Bismarck Archipelago • Leyte • Sicily • Burma • Luzon • Southern France • Central Burma • New Guinea • Southern Philippines • Central Europe • Normandy...

  57. General Knowledge

    losses at the hands of the American fleet (May 3); Battle of Stalingrad (September. 19). Defeat of Germany at Stalingrad (Febuary. 8); Battle of the Bismarck Sea, America defeated Japan in a naval battle (March 4); Invasion of Italy by the Allies, Armistice between Italy and the Allies (September 3). ...

  58. the significance of bismarck

    Book 4- summary of events On the morning after the banquet given in honor of Aeneas, Dido confides to Anna, her sister, that the Trojan warrior is the only man she has met since the death of her husband, Sychaeus, who could make her consider breaking her vow to remain faithful to his memory and never...

  59. Campus Love

    Fritz? What are you talking about? Who's Fritz? CORPORAL That's your name innit? Count Fucking Arsehole Von Bismarck? What's that supposed to be then, Irish? Almásy, berserk, starts to yank at his chains, screaming. ALMÁSY Let me...

  60. Rhrinoceros Beetle

    is native to Indonesia (Aru Islands, Maluku Province and possibly Papua Province, formerly Irian Jaya) and also to Papua New Guinea, including the Bismarck Archipelago. It is now distributed in Asia, Australia and Pacific Islands attacking not only coconut palm but also several others palm species (Figure...