Free Essays on How To Argue About Abortion

  1. Abortion

     Abortion: 21st Century Massacre Since 1973 there have been a staggering 53 million abortions in the U.S. alone. Imagine that for a second, a sixth of our entire population lost. The United States of America is violating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The UDHR was adopted on the...

  2. Anti Abortion

    Anti-Abortion Lisa M. Stevens Philosophy of Human Conduct 107 Christine Nortz May 25, 2009 Anti Abortion Abortion is the ending of a life whether the unborn child is one week old or three months old. Many activists have stated that is wrong for a woman to have an abortion because...

  3. Abortion as a Form of Birth Control

    Abortion as a Form of Birth Control Esther Christian SOC 120: Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility November 11, 2013 Abortion as a Form of Birth Control When looking at abortion as an ethical issue, the argument is usually whether the fetus has moral status or not. Pro-choice supporters...

  4. Abortion Is It Right or Not?

    Lori A. Bruce PHL 140 Dr. Davis Abortion: Is it Right or Not? According to Hurley (2012), logic is often defined as a body of knowledge that evaluates arguments. On the other hand, an argument in its basic form is comprised of statements of claims that support for or reasons to believe...

  5. Abortion

    In Abortion and Social Justice, Dennis Horan, J.D. et alii argue "The Legal Case For the Unborn Child": Abortion is not a private matter. The destruction of human life, even 'incipient' or developing human life in the womb, can never be considered a private matter under our law. The contention that...

  6. The Use of Scripture in Argument Against the Practice of Abortion

    In “Abortion: Historical and Biblical Perspectives”, John Rasmussen states that abortion is strongly opposed in the Biblical context. He makes his argument by introducing the Genesis creation story, where God made men in his own image which suggests that human life is sacred. Rasmussen also brings up...

  7. Abortion Speech - Legal Studies

    justice such as the common view of the people and new technology. In 2008, the law regarding the legality of abortions was reformed from the previous legislation in 1958. The law for abortions differs in each state of Australia; however it is not completely illegal in any state, due to the law reform...

  8. abortion and its legality

    There are several debates in regards to abortion and its legality. Generally there are two sides to the argument. Those on the Pro Life side of the argument believe that abortions should be illegal. Usually Pro Life activists believe abortion is not only murder, but also an immoral act. In...

  9. Abortion

    Abortion has always been one of the biggest argument for as long as a can remember. Many people believe it is sinful and even looked at as murder. One side of the matter is the abortionists and their main argument is that a woman should have the right to do what she wants with her body. On the opposite...

  10. Abortions

    earth are predetermined, abortion does not fit in. There are many arguments on the rights and wrongs of abortion. However, I think that the methods are cruel, the statistics do not weigh for the better, and the issues are very serious. According to Webster’s dictionary an abortion is defined as a miscarry...

  11. Shouls Abortions Be Legal or Illegal

    Should Abortions Be Legal or Illegal Veronica Clark University of Phoenix RES 110 Introduction to Research and Information Utilization January 28, 2009 Should Abortions Be Legal or Illegal One of the largest arguments in America history is Abortion. Whether or not if Abortions should be legal...

  12. Abortion: Right or Wrong?

    Abortion: Right or Wrong? Pro-Life Abortion has always been a major topic for debate in the United States due to all the moral issues that surround it. Abortion has been in debate since the 1800’s and will always be in debate. No matter what decisions are made regarding this topic, someone will...

  13. Abortion

    Abortion How many times has a parent told us that we weren't mature or old enough to make a decision? I know I have heard that many times throughout my lifetime, whether I chose to listen or not. Whether or not we have accepted what our parents have said, or like to admit that our parents may have...

  14. Abortion

    A Human Life Abortion has become very political these days. There are people standing on the corner protesting, passing out propaganda, and holding signs with Bible verses about abortion being wrong. Abortion has been an important topic during President Obama Campaign. Some argue that it is a woman’s...

  15. The Abortion Epidemic

    The Abortion Epidemic Rebecca Peck PHI 107: Philosophy of Human Conduct Instructor Russell E. Fail February 9, 2009 The Abortion Epidemic The word epidemic has several meanings. In the adjective form, it means “excessively prevalent.” As a noun, it is defined as “an outbreak of sudden rapid growth...

  16. Blurred Lines of Abortion

    Running head: ABORTION ETHICS The Blurred Lines on the Ethics of Abortion Wendy Butusov CRJ 220 Professor Holeman June 4, 2013 Research Project Strayer University The Blurred Lines on the Ethics of Abortion The topic of abortion has and always be a very controversial one. You stand on either...

  17. Reasons Against Abortion

    Abortion Cons - Reasons Against Abortion • The important con that should be considered is can we choose to kill unwanted pregnancies? One shouldn’t be so irresponsible to land up in a situation where they have to be unmerciful to the unborn. • Most of unplanned pregnancies if extended to childbirth...

  18. Allowing Abortion as an Option to Would Be Parents

    banning late-term abortion back in 2003. Every human being on this earth has or had a mother who struggled her way through pregnancy and childbirth. For every life that was granted, options were explored and decisions were made. One of those options could have been abortion. Abortion is an important...

  19. Why the Abortion Debate is Relevant

    Why the Abortion Debate is Relevant Reggie Wright Ashford University GEN 499 July 29th, 2014 Why the Abortion Debate is Relevant Following the landmark Supreme Court case in 1973, abortion became a legal option under limited circumstances for women...

  20. Toxic Abortions

    Professor Papia Bawa ENGL COMP 111 April 15, 2013 Toxic Abortion Many woman face a huge choice when finding out that they are pregnant as well as the father faces his own concerns when finding out he is going to become a father. Many personal and non-personal questions fall into play. With...

  21. Abortion Should Remain Legal.

    Abortion should remain legal. Due to the fact that a universal definition of personhood will never be agreed upon, thus it should remain legal. For example, often when laws are passed that ban something that is felt to be a right, people will continue to act with it, like prohibition, but it would be...

  22. Abortions

    Abortion is an ethical issue that does not only affect the front line nurse but the society as whole. Abortion is defined as the elective termination of the pregnancy or expulsion of the uterus of fetus or the embryo resulting in or caused by its death abortion. Studies show that 1.5 million abortions...

  23. The Volatility of Abortion

    Abortion is without a doubt one of the hottest and most politically divisive topics of the day. Burned and bombed abortion clinics across the country serve as indications of the volatility of the issue. Loaded words and imagery are constantly used tactics to persuade, dissuade, and defend...

  24. Women's Right to an Abortion

    Women's Rigth to Abortion Abortion a very emotional and sensitive issue and can be argued to be birth control or as a right to the pregnant mother to decide as to whether she will carry the fetus to term or not. We have many who are against it and as many who are for it. This said, there arises the...

  25. Abortion

    world terminate in induced abortion. More precisely, the number of induced abortion is nearly 50 million every year(Berer, M., 2000 ). Induced abortion means “abortion brought on deliberately by drugs or mechanical means” (Stedman, T. L.,2008). It can be defined as an abortion that is preceded initiatively...

  26. A woman has the right to choose abortion. Discuss.

    A woman has the right to choose abortion. Discuss. (10) Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy (although in the medical world, doctors may view the body rejecting the foetus - which is a common occurrence - as a spontaneous abortion). Abortion has caused many arguments over the years...

  27. Abortion: a Very Complex and Controversial Issue

    Zhu 27 April 2009 Abortion Abortion has been a complex and controversial issue in the United States, the problem begins should it be a woman’s choice or a government’s choice whether or not to kill her unborn child or fetus. The moral philosophical essay “Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson...

  28. Abortion; Only Under Certain Circumstances

    Abortion ethical? Jerry Becker This conflict is perhaps reflective of the nation’s ambivalence over abortion. While it is often depicted as a two-sided debate, the abortion controversy is actually quite multifaceted, involving complex speculation on biology, ethics, and constitutional rights. Those...

  29. Abortion Analysis

    Abortion Study Analysis “In making decisions about abortion, it is more helpful to focus on the quality of life rather than the sanctity of life.” A relativist would agree that it is more helpful to focus on the quality of life i making decisions about abortion because abortion is a topic whereby...

  30. Christianity and Abortion

    teachings of famous Christians and on what they read in the bible, the teachings of Jesus. A quote from the bible which seems to support the view that abortion is wrong is from Psalm 139:13, verses 15-16, "You created every part of me; You put me together in my mother's womb… When my bones were being...

  31. The Brutality of Abortion

    ABORTION SHOULD BE ABOLISHED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD!! What is abortion? An abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo resulting in or caused by its death. This definition in itself explains how brutal this practice is. It’s morally, emotionally...

  32. Abortion; a Very Strong Word

    9-23-08 Abortion The word abortion is a very strong word I believe. Abortion means the “intentional destruction of a fetus or inducing of a premature expulsion from the womb to cause death.” Abortion has always been a major issue in the world . People I many countries have abortions each year even...

  33. This House Would Support Legal Abortion

    This house supports legal abortion Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, chairperson. The motion we have before us today is ‘this house supports legal abortion’. My partner and I will be proposing this motion. So what is abortion? An abortion, also sometimes known as a termination or termination of...

  34. Abortion

    Abortion One of the most hot button issues for the past 40 years now has been abortion. There are two sides to the abortion argument and they are called pro-life and pro-choice. Someone who believes the pro-life option will not support abortion in most cases, but some will make exceptions depending...

  35. Abortion 4

    crucial question "Should abortion be abolished again?" many religious fundamentalists and other people argue that yes, the real question is have they looked on the other side of the wall? So, the issue is divided among two groups of people the Pro life, those who oppose abortion, and the pro choice the...

  36. Abortion

    In the abortion wars there are two parties, pro-life and pro-choice. Pro-life believes that abortion is murder and is completely immoral. Pro-choice, however, believes that it is the mother's choice if she wishes to terminate the pregnancy or not. There are countless ways to perform an abortion. Some...

  37. The Controversy of Abortion

    Unfortunately, that mindset is not always true. Furthermore, the subject I will be addressing is abortion. Should it be legal? Does anyone have the right to take a life? Is it actually a living person? The word Abortion by definition means the termination of the pregnancy and the development of the fetus before...

  38. Abortion, Pro Choice- Pro-Life?

    abortion Abortion, Pro Choice- Pro-Life? Vanity Fair Gage Taylor 12-13-11...

  39. Abortion

    Abortion has always been a controversial and the most debated topic over the past few decades. Abortion came into existence since the beginning of our civilization. But even in the ancient times, no common ground could be established on the abortion topic. Later, in most recent years, the society has...

  40. Abortion Obstacles and Resolutions

    Running Head: ABORTION OBSTACLES AND RESOLUTIONS Abortion Obstacles and Resolutions Abstract [pic]Despite the fact that abortion is a legal medical practice, various barriers exist and prevent women who attempt to exercise...

  41. The Abortion Debate

    Abortion Should Not Be Legal Abortion Should Not Be Legal The ongoing debate on the issue of whether abortion should be a legal option still divides...

  42. Ethical Abortion in America

    Ethical Abortion in America Wendy Stevens Ashford University Joe Niehaus Sociology 120 September 21, 2008 Abstract Women have abortions everyday, whether it is done through a doctor’s office or by other vulgar means, known as alley abortions. Over the last two decades abortion rights and laws...

  43. Abortion

    Abortion The debate over the choice to have an abortion and the timeline used to say when in a pregnancy abortion should be allowed is one that has caused much societal divide. There are varying views that state from the moment of conception of the fetus, possesses a soul and thus should be considered...

  44. The Commonality of Abortion

    Abortions are very common. In fact, more than 1 out of 3 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old. Since the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision that got rid of all laws regulating abortion, it has become one of our nation’s most debatable issues. Forbidding abortion would have the...

  45. Abortion

    thought about killing anyone? Taking someone’s life? The life of someone so small they would not even have a say in such a decision. Someone so small they are considered unimportant. Abortion. Abortion means ending a pregnancy so that it does not result in the birth of a child but no matter how you say...

  46. Abortion: a Real Option?

    Abortion a real Option? Nowadays, abortion is a very controversial topic in society. Abortion is when women decide not to have their baby for many reasons, so they practice or do some things to keep the baby from growing. Abortion is not allowed in many countries around the world included Costa Rica...

  47. Abortion

    Topic: Abortion General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: At the end of my speech, my audience will understand the viewpoint of the people who are “pro-life”. Thesis: Abortion is a sad truth that is affecting our society today, and we have the power to do something about it. We have the power...

  48. Shouls Abortions Be Avoided?

    Should Abortions Be Avoided? One of the biggest controversial issues that are always talked about is abortions. Abortions are a very touchy topic that has millions of opinions why or why not abortions should be avoided. I believe that people have a right to their opinion and there will always be an...

  49. A Look at Abortion

    LOOK AT ABORTION In this paper I will examine both sides of the abortion coin. I will also discuss the psychological effects of abortion on women. I will examine the original discussion of Wade v. Roe, the historical Supreme Court decision on abortion, and...

  50. How Does an Abortion Increase My Risk of Getting Breast Cancer?

    Breast Cancer and Abortion I. Introduction 1. Breast cancer is almost at epidemic levels Megan* was only 10 when her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She watched her mom endure the pain of the disease and the supposed cure as she underwent a mastectomy and chemotherapy. Megan normally could...

  51. Abortion.

    Spriggs English 11b March 10th 2014 Abortion I know, I know, I've heard all the arguments: Abortion stops a beating heart. It's a child, not a choice. Every life is precious. Well, I don't care what the pro-lifers say... I am totally psyched for this abortion! Like I said, my decision to terminate...

  52. Teen Abortions - Essay

    Teen abortions are terminations of pregnancies. Abortions are legal in the United States, and in some states they do not require parental consent. They are also risky, and can sometimes have an effect on you later on in life. Some regret it, but others do not. Teens are much known for abortions, because...

  53. Abortion Is a Selfish Act of Forced Cruelty

    Abortion is a Selfish Act of Forced Cruelty All across the United States woman are exercising their Constitutional rights to an abortion even though this procedure is cruel and ultimately leaves behind innocent mangled fetus to suffer and die. What is even more shocking than the abortion itself is the...

  54. Abortion Should Be Illegal

    Abortion is murder no matter when a person believes life becomes official. Potential life has ended before given chance remains evidence why a person should never have a choice of whether a baby lives or dies. There are many reasons abortion should be illegal including the descriptive and disturbing...

  55. Facts on Abortion

    Against abortion Abortion definition - Is the termination of a pregnancy resulting in the death of the embryo or fetus. Abortion Facts Worldwide: - 53 million abortions per year. - One million abortions per week. - A total of 1,500 million babies are killed by legalized...

  56. Thoughts of Abortion

    Thoughts About Abortion In the article of Some Thoughts About Abortion by Anna Quindlen, the author talks about whether the woman has the choice to choose if her unborn child dies or lives in an abortion. Throughout this essay, Quindlen bounces back and forth on the issue and how abortion should be...

  57. Abortion - a Controversial Issue

    In our time, abortion has been one of the most controversial and talked about issues. Over the past forty years it has become such an issue that it is discussed in a wide range of places. Many people have many different views on abortion. Some people are completely against abortion, while others support...

  58. Why Abortion Attitudes Will Always Be Controversial

    Why Abortion Attitudes will always be controversial Throughout the century, mankind has been able to control, in many ways, the birth rate of children. One in particular is the abortion method which is terminating a pregnancy which has already occurred. Abortion is one of the highest arguments...

  59. Abortion

    it harder to deal with. By means of abortion we can prevent a child growing up to die young due to disabilities, or in a home situation that would not be fitting for an infant. At the same time, taking a life has been deemed wrong by the court of law and abortion has become somewhat of a loophole to...

  60. abortion

    someone that is considered unimportant? ABORTION yes today I will talk about abortion. Abortion means ending a pregnancy so that it does not result in the birth of a child but no matter how you say it, abortion is taking a life. There are two types of abortion : spontaneous, which occur naturally, and...